I have been reading about Pope Francis, and the more I
read, the more I admire the man.
Nello Scavo’s book, Bergoglio’s List (Saint Benedict Press, 2013), focuses on the time
of the so-called “Dirty War” (Guerra
Sucia) in Argentina when, between 1974 and 1983, the military took control of the government and hunted down, imprisoned and executed any person or group deemed to be dissident.
Jorge Bergoglio, ordained a priest in 1969, was serving
as provincial superior of the Jesuits in Argentina when the military junta’s
reign-of-terror was at its height. In 1976
two Jesuit priests (Orlando Yorio and
Franz Jalics), who had been working in the slums of Buenos Aires, were
arrested by the military, tortured and held for five months.
Father Bergoglio was criticized by dissidents and
many of his fellow Jesuits for not doing enough to free the two captives, and
some accused him of collaborating with the regime. A document in the files of
the Argentine authorities of that time led some to conclude that Bergoglio was
sympathetic to the military junta. It says, “Despite the good will of Father
Bergoglio, the Argentine Company (code for “Jesuits”) has not cleaned house.”
The expression “good will” confirmed for some
critics that Bergoglio failed to resist
the terrorism, to protest the arrest and torture of his own men. Several have
failed to analyze how “not cleaned house” is to be interpreted.
When Adolfo Maria Perez Esquivel, the Argentine social activist who won the 1980
Nobel Peace Prize for human rights activism and for denouncing military
abuses, was asked about Bergoglio, he responded, “There were clergymen who were
accomplices of the dictatorship, but Bergoglio was not one of them.”
In 2010, before his election to the papacy,
Archbishop Bergoglio had testified that he had indeed met with General Jorge Videla,
senior commander of the Argentine Army and dictator of Argentina from 1976-1981,
and requested the release of his two priests.
Informed of Bergoglio’s testimony, the elderly
former captive Franz Jalics responded, “I am reconciled to those events, and
for me the issue is closed.” In 2013 Jalics again answered a question about the
criticism of Bergoglio, and he explained that “it is false to believe that our
arrest took place due to the instigations of Father Bergoglio. Orlando Yorio
and I were not denounced by Bergoglio.”
When Gonzalo Mosca saw Pope Francis standing before
the crowd in St Peter’s Square he decided to tell his story about how Father
Bergoglio had secretly arranged for his escape from Argentina in 1977. When
Alicia Oliveira’s life was threatened she appealed to Father Bergoglio for
help, and he found a way to keep her in hiding, even arranging for her to meet
with her small children.
I have come to believe that there is a wisdom in
Papa Francesco which comes not from books but from experience. He can be blunt
and he can be diplomatic. He can speak out and also knows when to keep quiet. He
has lived in a very real world, and is sensitive to those in need.
As new information comes out, the accusations against
Bergoglio fail the litmus test. He acknowledges his failures, especially in his
term as provincial leading the reform of the Jesuits after Vatican II. He
responds to the question “Who is Jorge Bergoglio?” with “I am a sinner.”
But it is clear to me that we have a wise and gentle
man in the office of St. Peter. He knows how to get things done, even if others
around him misunderstand. I like Cardinal Walter Kasper’s title for his new
book on the Holy Father –he titled it Pope
Francis’ Revolution of Tenderness and Love (Paulist Press, 2015).
Austen Ivereigh calls
his biography The Great Reformer (Henry
Holt and Company, 2014).
Our Sunday Visitor has compiled
A Year of Mercy with Pope Francis – Daily
Reflections (2014). Loyola Press published The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis, A Vision for the Church
(2014). Pope Francis –His Life in His Own
Words (G. P. Putnam) is a reprint of the 2010 publication El Jesuita – Conversaciones con Jorge Bergoglio.
Chris Lowney has
written Pope Francis – Why He Leads the
Way He Leads (Loyola Press, 2013).Matthew Bunson wrote Pope Francis (Our
Sunday Visitor, 2013). Mario Escobar published Francis – Man of Prayer (Thomas Nelson, 2013). Paul Vallely
authored Pope Francis – Untying the Knots
(Bloomsbury, 2013).
These titles are but a
few of the books available on this unusual pope, unusual man. Pray for his
protection and good health.