I've just finished reading Yves Congar's True and False Reform in the Church (Liturgical
Press, 2011). Though first published in French in 1950, it remains a compelling
invitation to look at the Church today and to embrace the notion of its ongoing
One fascinating possibility connected with Congar's study is
that it contributed to Pope John XXIII's decision to call for an ecumenical
It was at Vatican II that Congar learned that Archbishop Angelo
Roncalli in 1952, when he was the Vatican's envoy to France, read the book, and
mused, "A reform of the church: is such a thing really possible?"
Some who have read Congar's book and heard Pope John XXIII's
opening address to the Council hear an echo of Congar's thesis in the Holy
Father's understanding of the need for reform.
Blessed John XXIII's observation that "the substance of
the ancient doctrine of the deposit of faith is one thing, and the way in which
it is presented is another" sounds like Congar's observation, "...ideas
of the 'outdated' or of 'change' do not
bear upon Christianity in itself or upon its dogmas and its hierarchical
structure. What is called into question, frankly, are certain forms, practices,
or habits of historical Catholicism."
The Vatican 's
initial response to True and False Reform
in the Church was negative, and the Holy Office ordered that the book not
be translated or republished.
"As far as I myself am concerned, from the beginning of
1947 until the end of 1956," Congar later wrote, " I have never known
anything from that quarter (that is, the Vatican 's Holy Office) except an
uninterrupted stream of denunciations, warnings, restrictive or discriminatory
measures and distrustful interventions."
By 1962, however, Congar was serving as a peritus at the Second Vatican Council,
and over the four sessions contributed many paragraphs to several Vatican II
Congar, of course, was not alone in such rehabilitation. Prior
to Vatican II Henri de Lubac, Karl Rahner, and John Courtney Murray had also experienced
their share of investigation and disciplinary actions before becoming expert
consultants for the Council Fathers. (And the investigations and discipline
continue today for a newer slate of theologians as Bradford Hinze of Fordham University records in the first chapter
of When The Magisterium Intervenes,
edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz, Liturgical Press, 2012.)
One of Congar's main convictions about true and successful
reform in the Catholic Church is that would-be reformers must remain in the
Church. He faults Martin Luther for his violence and irritability, and suggests
that had Luther advanced what was good and Christian in his thinking without
breaking with the Church he would have better served the cause of reform.
There are, in Congar's analysis, four conditions for reform
without schism: 1) The primacy of charity and of pastoral
concerns. He quotes Pope Pius XI: "Every true and lasting reform in
the last analysis had its point of departure in holiness, in persons who were
inflamed and impelled by the love of God and neighbor."
2) Remaining in
communion with the whole Church, and the reason for that communion with the
whole body is that "complete truth
is to be found only in total communion."
3) Having patience
with delays. Says Congar, "In any reform movement, impatience
threatens to ruin everything...The innovator, whose reform turns to schism,
lacks patience."
4) Genuine reform through
a return to the principle of tradition (not through the forced introduction of
some novelty). He writes, "A Catholic reform movement therefore will be
obliged to begin with a return to the fundamental principles of Catholicism ...Tradition
is essentially the continuity of development arising from the initial gift of
the Church ...Resourcement consists in
a re-centering on Christ and on the paschal mystery."
Congar is the first to acknowledge that reform is not easy
to effect. He recognizes the role of the hierarchy is to be conservators. He
acknowledges that institutions are by nature reluctant to change.
At the same time he recalls the insights of St. Cyprian, St. Augustine , Pope
Nicholas I and St Gregory VII: "When you have custom without truth, all you
have is antiquity of error" and "The Lord never said, 'I am the
custom,' but rather 'I am the truth.'"
Pope Paul VI consulted with Congar on more than one
occasion. Perhaps Congar's insight influenced Pope Paul as well as Pope John. In
his encyclical Ecclesiam Suam, August
6, 1964, Pope Paul wrote, "...when we speak about reform we are not
concerned to change things, but to preserve all the more resolutely the characteristic
features which Christ has impressed on his Church. Or rather we are concerned
to restore to the Church that ideal of perfection and beauty that corresponds
to its original image.." (47).