We have our work cut out for us.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is sponsoring a two-day
conference (October 1-2, 2012) called Summit
2012: Revitalizing the Domestic Church, to be held at the Dayton (OH) Convention
It is described as "a two-day gathering for prayer,
celebrating and envisioning of dynamic ways to effectively proclaim the Gospel
message in our time. The goal is to explore the challenges that families face
today and discover with one another viable tools and methods for evangelizing
and ministering to the church of the home."
The program is for all parish leaders responsible for
nurturing family faith, including pastors and all clergy plus catechetical
leaders, school principals, youth ministers, high school religion department
chairs, seminary teachers. Already over-worked staff are challenged to attend and implement.
We have our work cut out for us.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati will launch a series of television
commercials, airing December 14 to January 20, for the Catholics Come Home
evangelization program. It is an
outreach to Catholics who are no longer attending Mass or otherwise practicing
the Faith.
Reasons given for not practicing are many: upset with
pastor, angry over pedophilia and disappointed by cover-ups, too busy
schedules, divorce and remarriage --it is that last one which will be the
biggest challenge to pastors and church communities welcoming returnees --how
to say "Welcome home, but you can't receive communion..."
We have our work cut out for us.
The Archdiocese has announced significant changes for its
CMA (Catholic Ministries Appeal), the annual diocesan-wide collection, in 2013,
including raising the goal from four million to five million dollars. The
promotion suggests that additional revenues will be applied to the ministry of
New Evangelization, that is, initiatives that "'go and make disciples' as we
are called to do." Pastors and parish ministers are likely to be challenged on
that suggestion on the grounds that evangelization should already be the primary mission of
every Church institution. Further, many parish communities will be unable to meet new goals.
We have our work cut out for us.
Over the past few months several parishes with large "summer
festivals" (fund-raising ventures with games, rides, food and drink) were
overwhelmed by groups (one is tempted to say "mobs") of adolescents moving
roughly, rudely through the festival site, trying to buy beer, and even
snatching money boxes from festival booths. In some cases pastors and parish
leaders are debating whether to have a festival again. "If only the
festival revenues were not a budget item," one pastor lamented, "I'd
cancel it in a moment."
We have our work cut out for us.
Several parishes with multiple Masses on the weekend are
reduced to one priest. One priest for four or five weekend Masses plus
confessions, and perhaps a wedding or a
funeral added to the schedule, seems a recipe for burn-out, ill health, loss of
enthusiasm. Aging pastors lament their lack of energy for multiple
celebrations, and the lack of time for homily preparation.
We have our work cut out for us.
The expectations placed on pastors and parishes by diocesan initiatives, the priest shortage, and cultural challenges pose a threat to the healthy life of our church communities.
The expectations placed on pastors and parishes by diocesan initiatives, the priest shortage, and cultural challenges pose a threat to the healthy life of our church communities.
Rearranging priorities, reducing Mass schedules, requesting
greater involvement by the lay members of the parish are potential plans of
The old order of things is changing, and will necessarily
have to yield to new ways of thinking and acting --of being Church. The process
of effecting change will be difficult and upsetting.
We have our work cut out for us. Let us begin with prayer.